Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

For those who have extreme functional impairment or high support requirements, Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a top priority.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

For those who have extreme functional impairment or high support requirements, Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is probably top of the list of care wish list. One of the core services provided by My Life Home Accommodation and Care is Specialist Disability Accommodation, and our team goes above and beyond to ensure the most appropriate and beneficial solution.

Navigating this route through the NDIS can be challenging, but our leaders and caregivers are always on hand to help you achieve the best outcome with as little stress as possible. Working towards a smooth administrative process and move to this level of care accommodation is a core focus when working in this area.

Specialist Disability Accommodation
Making sure the new SDA property meets all practical and safety needs is the key to a successful and low-stress transition. The My Life Home Accommodation and Care team works closely with clients, their loved ones, and NDIS contacts, as well as all other support and service providers that are involved.

When it comes to sourcing and securing Specialist Disability Accommodation for those with extreme functional impairment and complex support needs, we understand that compassion, sensitivity, and personalised service can make this emotionally and strategically challenging shift a little easier. This is our commitment our clients’ families and carers. After all, exceptional support is not just about daily fundamentals, but also about easing stress and enhancing quality of life for all involved.

There is a variety of support options for Specialist Disability Accommodation in Melbourne. With different levels of care available, as well as different styles of housing and accommodation arrangements, we can assist you with finding the best fit for your situation.
Get in touch with My Life Home Accommodation and Care to arrange an assessment or discuss your individual needs. We’ll help you get closer to your SDA goals as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Specialist Disability Accommodation

Support for All Ages

Providing care and support for all ages (17+)

Specialist Disability Accommodation

Personalised Care

Tailored Care Solutions to help you achieve the most out of your life

Specialist Disability Accommodation

A Lifetime of Trust

Every member of the My Life team are compassionate and strive to give our participants the right help

We’re Here Whenever You Need Us


0403 559 798


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